Getting Started With STM32 BluePill Part - Installation

In this Tutorial we are going to prepare our Arduino IDE to program STM32F103 using Arduino IDE.

Step 1: If you have not installed the Arduino IDE in your Laptop/PC please download and install the Arduino IDE by clicking the following link.

 Please Click Here to Download Install Arduino IDE.

    Note: Make sure to download your Corresponding OS software.

Step2: Extract Download ZIP file into your local C drive i.e. C:\
Step3: Open the folder and double click on Arduino.exe and you would see window as shown.
Step4: After the Arduino IDE open and download the required packages for the STM32 board. This can be done by selecting 

File -> Preferences.

Step5: Clicking on Preferences will open the below shown dialog box. In the additional Boards Manager URL text box paste the below link.

and press OK.

Step6: Now go to Tool -> Boards -> Board Manager. This will open the Boards manager dialog box, search for “STM32F1” and install the package that appears.

Step7: After Installation “STM32F1” package the Board Manager should like as shown.

Step8:  After the package, installation is completed. Go to Tools and scroll down to find the Generic STM32F103C series as shown below. Then make sure the variant is 64kFlah type, CPU speed is 72MHz and change the upload method to ST-Link.

Finally, we have completed the installation process. So we will see how to Blink on Board LED which is basically Hello World! programme.


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